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The Real Deal Ranks 4 Compass Teams Among LA’s Top Luxury Agents

04/26/19  |   Laura Barton

Congratulations to Aaron Kirman Partners, Smith & Berg Partners, Sally Forster Jones Group...

Congratulations to Aaron Kirman Partners, Smith & Berg Partners, Sally Forster Jones Group, and The Fridman Group on their ranking in The Real Deal’s highest-performing luxury brokers.

The Real Deal‘s methodology analyzed single-family home sales priced above $4 million between March 1, 2018 and Feb. 28, 2019. Compass teams took 4 spots on LA County’s top 20 luxury broker list, with Aaron Kirman Partners coming in fourth with $261.2 million in sales volume above $4 million.

Smith & Berg Partners, led by F. Ron Smith and David Berg, ranked 12th with $131.1 million; The SFJ Group following at 13th with an impressive 128.3 million; and The Fridman Group ranking 17th with $95.5 million.

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Together, Ross & Barton have been a top-producing team since 1995, offering clients the benefit of their marketing acumen and market intelligence as well as their caring attention. Long-term client relationships form the cornerstone of their success and they pride themselves on these established bonds as well as continuing to welcome new clients.

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